How to loss weight with in 7days ?

How to loss weight with in 7days ?

Try to create a meal plan for 7 days. 
Meals specific for breakfast, lunch, and dinner should be included in the plan.

  • Set a weight loss target.
  • Eat within a 12 hour window.
  • Zumba dance,  aerobics, swimming, walking are good options for weight loss.


Zumba Dance

Zumba's most well-known and popular program, You don't need any special dance skills to succeed in Zumba classes but those that have natural rhythm may pick up on the moves faster, Zumba is called such because of its similarity to the Cuban music genre rumba. Music is a big factor in these exercise classes, which the name brings to mind. 

Almost all Zumba brand classes are designed as 45- to 60-minute group exercise classes led by a Zumba-certified instructor. These are typically offered at gyms and fitness centers, although Zumba instructors are welcome to market classes on their own, hosting workouts at parks, schools, or other venues.

Burn Calories and Blast Away Fat

Improve Your Coordination.

Work Out Your Whole Body. 

Get Your Aerobics On. 

Build Anaerobic Endurance.

  • Get Addicted to Exercise. 

  • Zumba Is Appropriate for All Ages. 

  • Boost Your Confidence.


  • Few of easy 5 Aerobic Exercises that we can do are in below:  

                                                      1. Skipping

practicing skipping for 45 minutes can burn as many as 450 calories. It works on the muscles of your shoulders, calves, glutes, and quads. 
                   It might need a little practice to get going at a faster rate, which comes with regular practice.

 2.Jumping Squads

Jumping jack is a total body exercise that primarily focuses on your quads. In lesser degrees, it also impacts your shoulders, abs, groin, calves, lower and upper back, hamstrings, and outer thighs.
              30 minutes of jumping jacks can help you shed 200 calories. However, doing it continuously could be a challenge and monotonous. Thus, break them into three sessions of 10 minutes each and get a 5-minute rest in between. 

3. Mountain climber

The primary muscles this exercise works upon are the abs, glutes, hips, and legs. Get into a high plank position with your core tight. Now, bring your right knee up towards the center of your stomach and quickly switch to the left leg.

Begin with a slower pace and increase it gradually. Do 1–2 sets of 8–10 repetitions. It is necessary to align your body properly during this exercise.

4. Squat Jacks 

This exercise works great on your lower body and improves posture and stability. Stand with your feet together and hands alongside your thighs. Jump up and spread your feet while you settle into a squat position. 

Push through the heels and jump back up and return to the starting position. Do 1–2 sets of 8–15 repetitions each.

5. High Knees

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lift your knees up to the waist level and drop your feet slowly down. Repeat with the other leg. 

This completes one cycle. Practicing high knees burns more calories and increases the metabolism. Practicing sets of 30 seconds each as long as you can comfortably manage helps.


Swimming helps you lose weight in just the same manner as any other form of exercise 

it burns calories. A calorie is simply a unit that represents the amount of energy in food and when we're swimming laps our muscles require this energy (or calories) to power us through the water.

It all depends on how intense your workout is. Swimming vigorously for an hour burns around 800 calories. Do that four times a week.


If walking is your main source of exercise, set a goal of logging at least 30 minutes a day. Some people also find that setting a step goal  like 10,000 steps 
A day helps motivate them. Choose a time or step goal that is attainable for you.
